Bulk Importer: Importing Attributes

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Note: Adjusted SKUs are not compatible with LSI for custom products.  If you plan to use LSI for custom products, do not use this feature.

Use this workflow to extend your custom products with attributes and options, creating product variations customers can choose from when they add the product to their cart.


  • SKU - the original SKU/model of the base product.
  • Adjusted SKU - a different SKU per product variation.
  • Fields Beginning attr_ - represent attributes created on the site. Must be filled in with a valid option value.
  • Fields Beginning attr_ and Ending _price - price adjustments from the base price (sell_price, defined in the field upload) for a given option selection.


  1. Before importing attributes & options, you must first define both the attributes and the specific option values you wish to import in the usual way. It is NOT necessary to specifically add the attributes and options to the class you want to work with. All attributes/options you define will be available for any class.
  2. Download a CSV template for the class of your choice.
  3. You will need to provide a line for each product variation you wish to create. Set the SKU equal to the SKU for the product. This means that if you are creating six variations, you will need to provide the same SKU on all six lines.
  4. Provide a different "adjusted SKU" for each product variation. For example, if I have a product with SKU "TSHIRT" and I am creating a small red T-Shirt, the adjusted SKU might be "TSHIRT-R-S".
  5. Each attribute (i.e. Size, Color) will appear as a column prefixed with "attr_", for example, attr_Size. Fill this column in with the exact option value for the variation (i.e. Small).
  6. Each attribute also has a column providing a "price" option. Just like when editing attributes and options directly through the site, this field is used to set an adjustment on the regular price for the product. For example, if the XL size is $5.00 extra, you would put "5.00" in this field.
  7. Once your CSV file is ready, follow the same procedure as for the Field file to upload and process it.


  • Because of a limitation in the way Ubercart works, all possible combinations of a product will be created for SKUs with multiple attributes. For example, if you define a Small Red T-Shirt, a Large Red T-Shirt, and a Small Blue T-Shirt, a Large Blue T-Shirt will also become available to buy, even if you do not define it explicitly. It is, therefore, important to use stock (described next) to manage inventory levels for product variations. By setting a variation's inventory level to 0, you can keep that variation from being purchased.
  • Attributes & Options cannot be removed using this importer. You will need to remove them through the web interface.

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