Creating Content

Filtering Views by Stock Status

Stores can now hide out of stock products and only display items that are in stock. Using a combination of Local Store Inventory and a View, you can create a display of readily available titles for customers to shop from. If the titles are not in stock, they will simply disappear from the view until their inventory numbers are updated with an in stock status.

IndieCommerce - Sidelines and Non-Books

Get up to speed on the latest features and strategies for selling sidelines and other non-book inventory on your website. We'll cover an easy-to-use feature that adds tens of thousands of gift & game products from Ingram, how to bulk upload your own unique products, and how to integrate non-book products with LSI, so you can combine stock and pricing updates for books and sidelines in a single upload from your POS system.

Bulk Importer: Importing Attributes

Note: Adjusted SKUs are not compatible with LSI for custom products.  If you plan to use LSI for custom products, do not use this feature.

Use this workflow to extend your custom products with attributes and options, creating product variations customers can choose from when they add the product to their cart.



The Scheduler feature gives Store Admins the ability to schedule content on their website to be published and unpublished at specified dates in the future. This will be particularly useful for events and blog posts as they can be created in advance but scheduled to be published on a later date.

Block Title Link

The Block Title Link feature allows you to turn the title of a block into a link to direct customers to a page on your site.

NOTE: The feature is enabled by request only. Please navigate to Store > Configuration > Account Information & Preferences > Store Features and submit a request for it to be enabled.

Navigate to Structure > Blocks > Select edit for the block you want to adjust the title for


As preorders are becoming an increasingly important way in which books are sold and marketed through stores, we’ve compiled a list of the Preorder features we offer.

NEW: Stores can now choose to show preorders as 'On Our Shelves Now' as long as the store is using Local Store Inventory and the preorder is present in the LSI file.

Recurring Events and Event RSVP


This live demo will review the Recurring Events and Event RSVP features.


Wishlists / Gift Registry

This live demo will cover everything a bookseller needs to know about the Multiple Wish List feature, including:

  • Promoting it on their IndieCommerce site to helping their customers use the feature.
  • How  the wish list feature is especially helpful for stores looking to partner with schools, libraries, and book fairs.

Mobile Friendly Booklists

This webinar will lead booksellers through the basics of using the Mobile Friendly Booklist module:

  • How to request the module be enabled
  • Edit the booklists
  • Configure the view blocks
  • Customizations (IndieCommerce members only)
  • How other members are using this feature


Book Lists Grid

Responsive, mobile-friendly ‘View’ templates for book lists

3 out-of-the-box responsive, mobile-friendly Views to display book lists are readily available. All that needs to be done by the store staff are to edit the book lists and plug them into the views.


The Rules module allows site administrators to create actions that are automatically triggered by various events when certain conditions are met.


Rules are made up of 3 parts:


MailMunch provides tools to assist in converting visitors into email subscribers and customers by offering several types of opt-in forms: Popup, Embedded, Topbar, and Scrollbox. MailMunch also integrates easily with Constant Contact, MailChimp, and other major email marketing platforms.

Browse Books

The Browse Book block, which can be found on the block administration page (Structure > Blocks), consists of every BISAC category available. Selecting a category changes the block menu and provides sub-categories within that category and updates the books displayed accordingly.


Embedding Video

In order to place a video on your website, the video must first be uploaded to a third party, such as YouTube*. You can then obtain an ‘embed’ code which can be placed on your website.


About ABA

The American Booksellers Association, a national not-for-profit trade organization, works with booksellers and industry partners to ensure the success and profitability of independently owned book retailers, and to assist in expanding the community of the book.

Independent bookstores act as community anchors; they serve a unique role in promoting the open exchange of ideas, enriching the cultural life of communities, and creating economically vibrant neighborhoods.


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