Re-Authorizing A Credit Card

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When a credit card is used to place an order on an IndieCommerce site, the card is authorized for about 4 weeks. Within that time, the card can be charged for the authorized amount on the order. However, there are two scenarios that will require a credit card to be re-authorized:

  • The order has been edited, and the new total is now greater than the original amount (orders adjusted to a lesser amount can simply be marked payment received, and the system will only charge the new lower balance).
  • The order has been left open for more than 4 weeks, and the original authorization has expired


Navigate to: Store > Orders > View Orders

  1. Select the ‘View’ button for the order
  2. In the 'Payment' box, click on the 'Reauthorize CC' button
  3. You will now be on the 'Credit Card Terminal’ page - make sure the 'Charge Amount' is correct
  4. If the customer has more than one credit card on file, make sure the correct card is selected and then:

    1. If you are ready to charge the card select ‘Charge amount to this profile’ - the page should refresh and when you scroll to the bottom you should see the ‘Order Status’ is now set to ‘Payment Received’. There should also be a new admin comment. You can, at this point, change the status to 'complete' when you have shipped the order.
    2. If you are not ready to charge the card yet but want to obtain a new authorization, select ‘Authorize amount only on this profile’, - the page should refresh and when you scroll to the bottom you should see the ‘Order Status’ is still set to ‘Pending’. There should also be a new admin comment. You can update the order status when ready, however, keep in mind, the new authorization is only valid for up to 4 weeks.
  5. Void the original authorization

    1. In the 'Payment' box, click on the 'Reauthorize CC' button
    2. Locate the authorization that you don’t need anymore in the ‘Prior Authorizations’ box, select it and then select ‘Void Authorization’


By default, the system does not store credit card information. Therefore, you will only be able to re-authorize a credit card if the customer had opted to save their credit card profile. If they have not, or if the card saved on file has expired, reported stolen, invalid, etc. you will need to contact the customer to obtain new payment information and enter it into the system one of these two ways:

  1. The customer adds it to their account:

    1. Log in to the website
    2. Click on ‘Hello USERNAME’ (or ‘My Account’)’
    3. Select the ‘Billing’ tab
    4. Select ‘Add Credit Card’
    5. Complete form and Save

Once the customer has added a credit card to their account, you may then use the instructions under ‘Re-Authorize the Card’ to obtain a new authorization and charge the card.

  1. The customer provides it to you (the store) verbally:

    1. Select the ‘View’ button for the order
    2. In the 'Payment' box, click on the 'Reauthorize CC' button
    3. You will now be on the 'Credit Card Terminal’ page - make sure the 'Charge Amount' is correct
    4. Enter the credit card information provided under ‘Credit Card Details’

Then proceed with step 4 from ‘Re-Authorize the Card’


IndieCommerce Help Documents


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