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Update: This documentation has been updated as of 4/13/2022 to include the option of limiting the catalog to only show books that appear in the store's Local Store Inventory file.

Screenshot of the catalog feature. The screenshot is a white background displaying a Catalog of Staff Recommendations. The screenshot shows a gray drop down menu that shows two different subcategories, one of which is highlighted to show navigation and functionality.
Photo Courtesy of Sherman’s
This feature allows stores to build Catalogs - organized collections of books, grouped into different sub categories, navigated with a dropdown menu. The menu will also display the subcategory that is currently being displayed, making it easy for customers to identify which page of the catalog they are on. Stores can use this Catalog feature for Staff Picks, Bestsellers, Book Fairs etc. 
The Catalog will have a clean, mobile friendly layout, with book cover images organized into rows. ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Add to Wishlist’ options will be available on mouse over, making it possible to shop from the catalog without leaving the page. 
Catalog screenshot that shows 4 different titles as they appear in the catalog. Three titles are shown with the cover art and title. One title is highlighted and the information being displayed is the author, the ISBN, the price, and the add to cart button.
Photo Courtesy of Turning the Page
Catalogs can be created with regular books and with custom products. Stores can create multiple catalogs. When a book is purchased from the catalog, the link to the catalog's subcategory will be included below the book title on orders and invoices. This helps make it clear when a customer has purchased a title from within a catalog.

Components of the Catalog

Catalog screenshot that shows the different components of the catalog. The different components are numbered and correspond to the text underneath the image, detailing the different components and how they work.
  1. Catalog Name: The name of the catalog. The catalog contains all subcategories, their ISBNs, and their banner images.
  2. Catalog Cover Image: The banner image for the entire catalog. This will be the "cover" of the catalog.
  3. Subcategory: A section of the catalog. It can also be helpful to think of subcategories as ‘pages’ in the catalog.
  4. Subcategory Name: The name of the subcategory (or section). 
  5. ISBNs: The titles associated with the subcategory. These can only be ISBNs that are available through Ingram. Custom products and store books cannot be added.
  6. Banner Image: The image for the subcategory. These are unique to each subcategory and can be changed at any time.
  7. Description (NEW)The description for the subcategory. This area comes with a WYSIWYG editor. We highly recommend stores use this area to upload banner images for the catalog in order to include Alt-Text.

Creating a New Catalog

Each Catalog can have multiple ‘Subcategories’. Subcategories contain a title, a booklist, and a spot for a banner image. Once created, subcategories are navigated to using the dropdown menu on the catalog .
  1. Go to Content > Catalog List
  2. Click ‘Create New
  3. Enter a Catalog Name (Ex: Bestsellers)
  4. To upload a Catalog Cover Image click Choose File. This step is optional as catalog cover images are not required.
  5. Begin creating your first subcategory by entering a Subcategory Name (Ex: Fiction, Nonfiction, Children’s, etc.)
  6. Enter your list of ISBNs, one per line
  7. To upload a Banner Image to the subcategory click Choose File. This step is optional as banner images are not required.
  8. Select your banner image file and click ‘Upload

Catalog screenshot that is zoomed in to focus on the Banner Image upload area. The screenshot shows the header Banner Image and the Choose File button.

  1. Add a description to the subcategory using the Description field. (Note: You can also use this field to upload your banner image if you would like to include Alt Text. This can be used instead of the Banner Image Upload.)
  2. Click ‘Add Another’ to add another subcategory
  3. Repeat steps 1-7
  4. When you are finished building your catalog click ‘Submit’ to save your content
  5. View the Catalog and make sure it looks right

Adding a Menu Link for the Catalog

To link customers to your catalog, you can add the catalog as a menu link to your website. For full directions and more information on how to manage menus please click here.
  1. Navigate to Structure > Menus > Main Menu > Add Link
  2. Menu Link Title - This is the title that will display in the main menu, such as Store Catalog or Staff Pick Catalog
  3. Description - This will display when hovering over the link
  4. Set your ‘Parent Item’ if applicable
  5. Save
  6. Navigate to Structure > Menus > Main Menu to ensure your catalog menu link is placed correctly. If needed, you can drag and drop your menu link into the appropriate space.

Editing Catalogs

To edit a catalog, navigate to Content > Catalog List. This will take you to a list of all your catalogs that have been created and will also list their corresponding subcategories.

Only Show In Stock Books

You can choose to only show books that appear as in stock in your Local Store Inventory file. To do so, navigate to Content > Catalog List > Configure and check the box labeled "Show only books in stock that appear in your Local Store Inventory file".
Please note that this option will apply to all catalogs that you have created and cannot be changed between catalogs. This option will also only apply to regular books and will not apply to custom products.

Change the Color of Catalogs

For sites using our Santa Rosa or Flatland themes, the catalog color will automatically be adjusted to match the selected color palette of the theme. If you would like, you can change the color of the catalog which will change the text and the background color of your catalogs. These color choices will be applied to all catalogs and can not be changed for individual catalogs.
  1. Navigate to Content > Catalog List > Configure
  2. Click inside the box on Catalog color 1 to bring up the color selector.
  3. Select your color. This will be the main background color for the banner and buttons.
  4. Click inside the box on Catalog color 2 to bring up the color selector.
  5. Select your color. This will be the main text color and hover color when rolling over a link.
  6. Click ‘Save configuration
This colors will display in every catalog and invert upon hovering over a clickable link or button:
Catalog screenshot of two different catalogs. This screenshot shows the difference in color between catalogs after the color selector has been used. The first screenshot shows red text and red banners and buttons. The second screenshot shows White text and white banner buttons.

Add or Remove ISBNs

  1. Navigate to Content > Catalog List.
  2. Click ‘edit’ on the catalog line under the ‘Action’ column on the right hand side.

Catalog screenshot highlighting how to edit the catalog. The screenshot shows the catalog list and there is a red box around the edit function on the selected catalog.

  1. Add or delete titles as needed within the ISBN lists of the subcategories.
  2. This feature takes one ISBN per line.  Removing an ISBN from the list will delete it from the catalog; adding an ISBN will include it in the catalog.
  3. ‘Submit’ your changes at the bottom of the page to apply the edit(s).

Add or Remove a Subcategory

  1. Navigate to Content > Catalog List
  2. Click ‘edit’ on the catalog line. 
  3. Scroll down to the last category created.  Beneath the banner upload, there are two buttons: ‘Add another’ and ‘Remove last’.
  4. If you need to add a subcategory click ‘Add Another’.
  5. This will create a new empty catalog form that can be filled out and populated with desired ISBNs and another banner image.
  6. If you need to remove a subcategory click ‘Remove Last’.
  7. Be aware, clicking ‘Remove Last’ will delete the last subcategory created. Be sure to save any lists of ISBNs if you need to edit a subcategory that is higher up in the catalog.

IndieCommerce Help Documents


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American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.







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