Bulk Order Processing

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The Bulk Order Processor is an IndieCommerce feature that will allow your store to process orders in bulk. It is especially helpful for moving orders from one order status to another or communicating with customers en masse. You can also use the Bulk Order Processor to send order emails to customers in bulk, add admin comments to orders in bulk, and print invoices. You can filter your orders by status, payment method, date, and/or SKU.
The Bulk Order Processor is available by request. Navigate to Store > Configuration > Acct. Information & Preferences > Store Features to request this feature.

Scenario 1: Moving Orders from Pending to Processing

In this example scenario we want to take all the store’s pending orders that are marked for ‘In-Store Pickup’ and have the payment method ‘Pay at Store’. The goal is to change all these orders from ‘Pending’ to ‘Processing’ while also alerting the staff and the customers.
  1. Navigate to Store > Orders > Bulk Order Operations > Process Orders
  2. This screen has a filter similar to the one you see on your main order screen. We’ll first need to adjust the filters to get the orders we want.
  3. Change the order status in the filter to “Pending”.
  4. Set the date range. (It doesn’t matter if the end date is a future date)
  5. Select “Pay at Store” under Payment Method.
  6. Select all the orders using the top left checkbox or check orders individually.
  7. Click “Process Orders” and you’ll be taken to a screen with three different options.
  8. Change Status - This is what will change the status of orders. We’re going to set it to “Processing”.
  9. Send E-mail Notification to Customers? - These are the order comments that will go to each of the customers attached to the orders. It sends only text and does not have the full formatting of the regular order comment section.
  10. Set an Admin Comment? - These are the comments used to communicate with staff and only staff will see them.

    1. Note: Regardless if you select this option, an admin comment indicating the order was processed in bulk will be added to each order. The customer will not be notified of this comment.
  11. Click next 
  12. Do not close your browser until all orders have been processed
  13. Double check the orders on your main screen under Store > Orders to ensure the changes have occurred.

Scenario 2: Moving Orders from Processing to Payment Received

Important: When an order is moved to “Payment Received” the card attached to the order is charged. You will be actually capturing the funds on the customer’s credit card.
Be very careful when using the Bulk Order Processor to move orders to Payment Received. The Bulk Order Processor gives a simplified view of all orders without all of the order details. Please look at each individual order before changing its status to Payment Received to ensure against fraud-- using the Bulk Order Processor or not.
In this scenario, we want to take all “Processing” orders that are being paid for with a credit card and are marked as “In-Store Pick up”. We have already looked at each order and verified that they are legitimate and OK to process.
  1. Navigate to Store > Orders > Bulk Order Operations > Process Orders
  2. Change the order status in the filter to “Processing”.
  3. Set the date range
  4. Select “Credit Card” under Payment Method.
  5. Select all the orders using the top left checkbox or check orders individually. In this scenario, we are only checking orders with the shipping method “In-Store Pickup”.
  6. Click “Process Orders”.
  7. Change the status to “Payment Received” and click Next.
  8. Do not close your browser window until all orders have finished processing
  9. Double check the orders you’ve just processed and look for a Successful Capture in the admin comments. This is the official charge to the card.

Scenario 3: Using the Bulk Order Processor for Pre-Orders

In this scenario we have a book that is on pre-order that we know we’ve taken a lot of orders for. We want to move these orders from “Processing” to a custom order status “Pre-Order Payment Received”. This makes it easier to find these orders later when the sale date is closer and the books are ready to send out.
Again, we have already checked these orders individually for any signs of fraud. With pre-orders we encourage stores to secure payment as soon as possible so the credit card authorizations do not expire.
For information about creating custom order statuses, please read our help documentation on custom order statuses.
  1. Navigate to Store > Orders > Bulk Order Operations > Process Orders by SKU
  2. Similar to the other scenarios, adjust the filters accordingly. We’ll change the status to “Processing”.
  3. Set the date range.
  4. Change the Payment Method to “Credit Card”.
  5. Enter the ISBN into the SKU field
  6. Select orders using the top left checkbox or check orders individually.
  7. Click Process Orders.
  8. Change the status to “Pre-Order Payment Received”. This will make it easier to tell which orders are part of this pre-order campaign.
  9. Check “Send email notification to customers
  10. Add an order comment letting customers know that the book is not out, but payment is being taken in advance to reserve their copy.
  11. Click ‘Next’ to process the orders. Do not close your browser window until all orders have finished processing

Scenario 4: Bulk Printing Invoices for Pre-Orders

In this scenario, we want to print all the invoices for orders and include them in the packages so the customer has a packing slip for their order. We’ve already used the Bulk Order Processor to change the status of these orders and we want customers to have a hard copy invoice for the future release date.
  1. Navigate to Store > Orders > Bulk Order Operations > Print Invoice
  2. Set the date range.
  3. Select the appropriate order status. In our scenario, we would select “Pre-Order Payment Received”.
  4. Since we want to send invoices to all customers who have pre-ordered this title, select all possible payment methods.
  5. Select all orders using the top left checkbox.
  6. Click “Print Invoices”.
  7. Review the order numbers and click ‘Confirm
  8. This will generate a printable version of the invoices and your browser will provide you with its print dialogue box to select your printer

IndieCommerce Help Documents


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American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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