Automatic Coupons For A Specific Role

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Automatic Coupons are a convenient way to provide a discount for a group of people within a certain role without having to give out multiple coupon codes or requiring the user to enter a code each time. For the example below we are creating a ‘Automatic Coupon’ for people with the role of ‘Staff Member’.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Setting up a role requires ABA to create a unique role under your account for that group of users. If you have not done so already please send an email requesting a new role be created for your website. ABA wll confirm when the role has been created. Ex.: Please create a new role of ‘Staff Member’ for my website. We will be creating a special discount coupon for those customers.


Navigate to: Store > Coupons > Add New Coupon

  1. Enter ‘Coupon Name’ - Ex.: Staff Member Discount
  2. Enter ‘Coupon Code’ - Ex.: StaffDiscount
  3. Select the ‘Active’ button
  4. Enter the discount amount- Ex.: 20%
  5. Adjust the ‘Maximum number of redemptions (per code)’, for this example we went to leave it blank
  6. Find ‘Role Restrictions’, then confirm ‘Allow this coupon only for users with the roles listed below’ is selected.and Enter the role name Ex.: Staff Member
  7. Save Coupon
You have now created your coupon but still need to add rules and conditions.


Navigate to: Configuration > Workflow > Rules

  1. Select ‘Add New Rule’
  2. Enter the ‘Name’ - Ex.: Automatic Staff Discount
  3. Set the ‘React on Event’ to ‘Check for Automatic Discounts’
  4. Save
  5. Find your new rule in the list and select ‘edit”
  6. Select ‘Add Condition’
  7. Set the ‘Condition to Add’ to ‘User has role(s) and Continue
  8. Set the ‘User - Data Selector” to ‘current-order:customer’
  9. Choose the role
  10. Save changes
  11. Select “Add Action”
  12. Set the ‘Action to Add’ to ‘Apply a coupon to current order’ and continue
  13. Set the ‘Mode” to “Apply this coupon as an automatic discount.”
  14. Change the ‘Coupon Label” if you wish to customize it
  15. Save

You have now set the rules and conditions and may begin applying users to this role. Those users will then receive this discount automatically.


If this is a user who previously signed up, ask them for the email address associated with their account. If the user has never signed up, ask them to first sign up and provide you with the email address they use.  You must know the email address associated with the user account in order to proceed with the steps below and successfully assign the user a role.

Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Store Roles

  1. Fill in the ‘User’ field with the email address of the user
  2. Change the ‘Role’ field to the appropriate choice
  3. Click ‘Assign Role’

You should see the user details appear in the list below. At this point you have assigned them the role, if they were previously logged in while you we’re assigning them a role they should log out and log back in to gain any special permissions their new role provides (in this example a 20% discount applied to their subtotal).


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American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


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