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Stores May be Eligible for Employee Retention Credit (ERC)

The American Booksellers Association has partnered with BrightPoint Associates and Connect My Biz to assist you with filing for your Employee Retention Credit (ERC).
BrightPoint Associates and Connect My Biz consist of a trusted team of accountants and business advisors that specialize in the ERC. They will be hosting an informative webinar where you’ll learn more about what the ERC is, how to determine if you qualify, and why it’s crucial that you work with an ERC specialist during the application process. They handle the process from start to finish and are only paid if you receive ERC funds.
From BrightPoint Associates: “We understand and empathize with the fact that many of you are still experiencing fall out in your business due to the pandemic. Whether that’s the lost revenues you’re trying to recoup from being shut down, or the loss in revenue from less foot traffic when you did open your doors, there is no doubt you were affected in one way or another. We are passionate about aiding in your success as independent bookstore owners, which is why we’ve partnered with ABA to assist you with filing for your ERC.
Please join us for this informative 20-minute Zoom webinar on Thursday, February 2, at 5:00 pm ET, to find out whether you may be eligible and to hear how BrightPoint Associates and Connect My Biz can help you. Register for our ERC Informational Webinar. (For technical help during the session please email [email protected].)
BrightPoint can help stores with five or more employees (not counting the owner or family members). Stores with fewer than five employees are still welcome to attend to hear information about ERC eligibility.
Questions? Email us directly and we will connect you with an agent that will be happy to answer your questions right now.