
Recurring Events and Event RSVP


This live demo will review the Recurring Events and Event RSVP features.


Making the Most of Book Data on Your Website

This webinar will demonstrate the best use of the tools available to:

  • Sell sidelines, including maps, calendars, and journals through your site
  • Interpret special "admin only" data about books on your website, such as the price source, Ingram desire score, and Family ID
  • Get the most out of Local Store Inventory (LSI), not for sale, store pricing, and other tools
  • Adjust the search algorithm to surface books and products more relevant for your store
  • Enable and disable partner content from NPR and LitHub, plus ebooks and digital audiobooks


Order Processing

This webinar will review IndieLite order processing:

  • Best practices
  • Order processing overview
  • Common pitfalls to avoid

Wish Lists / Gift Registries

This documentation was modified on 10/19/20 with Filter Options, Creating Wishlist on Behalf of Customers, Mailing Adderss for Wishlist settings and a template for Wishlist Instructions

Privacy Policy & GDPR

Sample Privacy Policy Language

Please note that any language you may incorporate into your Privacy Policy should reflect your store’s applicable practices.

Please include your store name, contact info etc. where applicable.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]


What information do we collect?

Mobile Friendly Booklists

This webinar will lead booksellers through the basics of using the Mobile Friendly Booklist module:

  • How to request the module be enabled
  • Edit the booklists
  • Configure the view blocks
  • Customizations (IndieCommerce members only)
  • How other members are using this feature


Book Lists Grid

Responsive, mobile-friendly ‘View’ templates for book lists

3 out-of-the-box responsive, mobile-friendly Views to display book lists are readily available. All that needs to be done by the store staff are to edit the book lists and plug them into the views.

SEO Tools

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a methodology of strategies, techniques, and tactics designed to grow visibility in search engine results. In search results, search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) display links to pages it considers relevant and authoritative, SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found in search results.

Browse Books

The Browse Book block, which can be found on the block administration page (Structure > Blocks), consists of every BISAC category available. Selecting a category changes the block menu and provides sub-categories within that category and updates the books displayed accordingly.


Embedding Video

In order to place a video on your website, the video must first be uploaded to a third party, such as YouTube*. You can then obtain an ‘embed’ code which can be placed on your website.


There are several reports available to you that you can use to gain insights into sales on your website, who is using your website and other useful information. You can use these reports as they are or you may customize them to suit your needs.

NEW: This document has been updated as of 7/19/2021 to reflect new Financial Reports that have been recently added. See below for more details. 

Navigate to: Store > Reports


This documentation was modified on 01/18/2018, to comply with the latest changes by MailChimp.

This provides an integration with MailChimp (an email delivery service) and makes it possible to create and send MailChimp emails directly from your website.


  1. Sign up for a account
  2. Create your list through MailChimp

Website Best Practices

Creating a leading website takes thought and planning, a site is typically considered successful if it is well designed, useful and in e-commerce aspects, lucrative. While different stores each have different website needs, there are some best practices that are global to all sites. In this guide, we explain those best practices and have broken them down into 4 categories:


Product Pricing

Update: This document has been revised as of 8/17/2021 to include adding store pricing to multiple ISBNs through CSV upload. This update also includes adding markups or discounts to products by dollar amount.
You have full control on the pricing for any book on your website (eBook prices are set by Kobo).


Navigate to: Store > Configuration > Store Pricing > Books


This documentation was modified on 04/10/2019, with the Insert Feature

Using images on your website should be done with careful consideration, just like any other component of your site. The images used should enhance the user’s experience, help with branding, and improve visual appeal. Below, we review the various ways in which images can be uploaded to your website and some tools that can be used with them.


About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


PRESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

INDIECOMMERCE: [email protected]

ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: [email protected]



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