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Making the Most of Book Data on Your Website

This webinar will demonstrate the best use of the tools available to:

  • Sell sidelines, including maps, calendars, and journals through your site
  • Interpret special "admin only" data about books on your website, such as the price source, Ingram desire score, and Family ID
  • Get the most out of Local Store Inventory (LSI), not for sale, store pricing, and other tools
  • Adjust the search algorithm to surface books and products more relevant for your store
  • Enable and disable partner content from NPR and LitHub, plus ebooks and digital audiobooks


Wish Lists / Gift Registries

This documentation was modified on 10/19/20 with Filter Options, Creating Wishlist on Behalf of Customers, Mailing Adderss for Wishlist settings and a template for Wishlist Instructions

Privacy Policy & GDPR

Sample Privacy Policy Language

Please note that any language you may incorporate into your Privacy Policy should reflect your store’s applicable practices.

Please include your store name, contact info etc. where applicable.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]


What information do we collect?

Mobile Optimized and Responsive Websites

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • The importance of mobile optimized websites
  • What to consider when you plan your website
  • Tools available to achieve your goals

Bulk Upload of Used Books and Signed Copies

This webinar will lead booksellers through the IndieCommerce 'Store Books' feature:

  • What is a 'Store Book'?
  • How are 'Store Books' different from LSI?
  • How to add a 'Store Book' manually
  • About the 'Store Book' content type
  • Bulk Upload Store Books

Getting Your Website Ready for the Holidays

This webinar will lead booksellers through getting their IndieCommerce website ready for the holidays:

  • Tour of some of the common issues that customers (and stores) might encounter during the holiday season
  • Making sure your contact information is up to date
  • Processing orders correctly

Bulk Upload of Custom Products

This webinar will lead booksellers through the basics of using the ABA Product Importer module:

  • What is the feature for
  • How is it different from LSI
  • What are the 4 stages
  • Brief review of product classes
  • What are staging tables
  • Demo of the feature

Mobile Friendly Booklists

This webinar will lead booksellers through the basics of using the Mobile Friendly Booklist module:

  • How to request the module be enabled
  • Edit the booklists
  • Configure the view blocks
  • Customizations (IndieCommerce members only)
  • How other members are using this feature


Book Lists Grid

Responsive, mobile-friendly ‘View’ templates for book lists

3 out-of-the-box responsive, mobile-friendly Views to display book lists are readily available. All that needs to be done by the store staff are to edit the book lists and plug them into the views.

Views Email

The ‘Views Send’ module enables you to create personalized mass emails from a view: With this feature, if, for example, a store would like to send an email reminder to all ticket holders for an upcoming event, it can create a view to pull up email addresses associated with orders and send a mass email. For now, the email can only be plain text.

Bulk Importer


Welcome to the IndieCommerce custom product bulk importer! This system is designed to help you create and manage a large number of custom products on your IndieCommerce website.


Before using this system, it's important to be up on the basics of custom products. If you've never created a custom product class before, please see the help documentation on


The Rules module allows site administrators to create actions that are automatically triggered by various events when certain conditions are met.


Rules are made up of 3 parts:

SEO Tools

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a methodology of strategies, techniques, and tactics designed to grow visibility in search engine results. In search results, search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) display links to pages it considers relevant and authoritative, SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found in search results.

Custom Checkout Panes

Stores have the option to create two custom checkout panes within the IndieCommerce checkout flow.

NOTE: The ‘Custom Checkout Pane’ modules need to be enabled for your site. Please send us a request from the Store Features page (Store > Configuration > Account Information and Preferences > Store Features).


Example use-case : Provide customers a newsletter opt-in during checkout

Sales Tax

For online sales in-state orders are taxed by default. Out-of-state orders are usually not taxed. However, if the store frequently ships orders to other states, it is important to know the Sales Tax Nexus rules for those states.


About ABA

American Booksellers Association is a national trade association that supports and advocates for the success of independent bookstores. We provide members with education, networking opportunities, advocacy, resources, and technology. In turn our members support local schools through book fairs, donations and author visits; promote literacy; provide inclusive community centers; connect readers and books; add character to neighborhoods; champion and center diverse and new voices; and contribute to the local economy. We feel honored to support them in their work.


PRESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]

INDIECOMMERCE: [email protected]

ALL OTHER INQUIRIES: [email protected]



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